Wp/enm/Ylorn Film

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Lundene Aftere Midnight be a Ylorn Film

A Ylorn Film biþ a feteure or ſhort film þat nae existe ane lungere or be nae pū̆blike. Mōst sī̆lent films be ylorn.[1]


Mani a yere agōn copyright laue in requēret ō̆n cō̆pīe of ē̆verī American film be storen in þe Lībrārīe of Congresse but þei nae always kẹ̄ped hit. Mōst Sī̆lent Films be ylorn. [2] Sumtymes peepul ifīnden a ylorn film and þen hit be nae ylorn. Sumtymes peepul fīnden onlī partes of a ylorn film, und þen hit be parciā̆llī ylorn. Þe MCMXXII film Sherlock Holmes be a parciā̆llī ylorn film. Ēst of Suez be a ylorn film.


Mōst film studios māked photographs dūring prōducciǒun of þe film for publicity. Þe photographs of propre quā̆litẹ̄ prēservet partes of ọ̄̆ther-wīse ylorn films. Sǒmtīmes þe nǒmbre of photographs be so bygge þat wẹ̄ cǒnnen recreāten ælle þe film. Lundene Aftere Midnight be an exaumple of swich a film.

Rē̆sǒuns films bicǒmen iluste[edit]

Cleopatra, bē a parciā̆llī ylorn film. Four hundred pictūres und twentī secondes existen.

Mōst ylorn films be sī̆lente und nōn-sīlente films from MDCCCXCIV to MCMXXX. Martin Scorseses Film Fǒundāciǒun seieþ þat mare þan nīn ǒute o ten of American films from bifore þe yēr MCMXXIX bē ylorn.[3] Þe Lībrārīe of Congresse seieþ þat þrẹ̄ ǒute o four sī̆lente films be lost.[4]

Þe byggest cause of sīlente films bicǒming ylorn biþ dēliberāte dē̆strucciǒun. Whanne televisiones nae existed, peepul þinken þat film had nae valūe after þeir þeatrical runs enden. After non-sīlente films be inuentyd, peepul þinken þat sīlente films had nae valūe. Robert Harris seied in Newe Englissh “Most of the early films did not survive because of wholesale junking by the studios. There was no thought of ever saving these films. They simply needed vault space and the materials were expensive to house.” Studios ē̆rnened monei if þey dē̆stroien þe for its siluer. Some dēlers cutten þe film to partes und sellen þem to peepuls to wacchen at hōm.

Sōme studios dē̆stroiden films dēliberātlī. After sīlente film pleiere Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle waſ accusede ophe killende Virginia Rappe, peepul hateden him, und studios dē̆stroiden films hē participāted in.[5]

Sēe Al so[edit]


  1. Majority of American silent films lost to decay archīven from original original. (Newe Engliſch)
  2. Report of the Register of Copyrights for the Fiscal Year 1912–1913 archīven from original original. (Newe Engliſch)
  3. Film Preservation archīven from original original. (Newe Engliſch)
  4. Most of America's Silent Films Are Lost Forever archīven from original original. (Newe Engliſch)
  5. Scandals of Classic Hollywood: The Destruction of Fatty Arbuckle archīven from original original. (Newe Engliſch)