Wp/enm/Wylliam Caxton

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The marke of Wylliam Caxton

Wylliam Caxton was an englyſſhe mercer and writer, the whyche was the firſte to print a booke in the engliſſhe langage. He was borne in the weeld in Kente, and was an aprentys to John Large in the cyte Lundene in the yeere of Our Lord .M.CCCC.xxxviij. He duellde in the toun of Bruggis where he eſtabliſſhyd a printyng preſſe, and printyd the firſte englyſſhe book: Recuyell of the Hiftoryes of Troye, whiche he tranſlatyd from the frenſſhe for Margarete, Ducheſſe of Bourgoyne. He cam to Englond agayn, eſtablyſſhyd the firſte printyng preſſe in Englond in the yere of Our Lord .M.CCCC.lxxxvj. The firſte booke to be maad was the Tales of Caunterbury by Geoffrey Chaucer, printyd that ſayd yere. He eke printyd other diuers werkes.