Wp/enm/MMXXII Russlond invasioun of Ukraine

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Þe MMXXII russlōnd invasioun of Ukraine biþ á warre in Ukraine þat started XXIV februare, MMXXII, aÞ V o'clock CEST. Russlōnd attackede Ukrainæ, und Ukrainæ défendeþ þemselves. Mani peepul kelen russlond Rascistes.

Polande supporteþ Ukraine very much. Poland accepted more than 3,272,943 Ukrainianes. Þis is much more þan ani oþer countri.[1] Þancie þe, Polande.


  1. How many Ukrainians have fled their homes and where have they gone? archīven from original original. Publicen in May 12, 2022. (Newe Engliſch)