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Russian Federation
Российская Федерация (Russian)
Capital cite: Moscov
Langage: Russian langage
Superfice: VIDCIDCLXX mi2

Russlōnd, officialy þe Russian Federation, biþ a contree in Europe and Asia. Hit haþ aboute CXLIV peple, wiþ a superfice of VIDCIDCLXX mi2. Þe capital and largest cite biþ Moscov. Russlōnd biþ firſt in lond and ſpace of alle þe naciouns in þe Erþe, and it eek haþ ſondry peple and langages. Þe oþicial langage biþ Russian.

Contrees in Europe
AlbeneAustriaBelarusBelgiumCipreCroatiaDanishlondDochelondEngelondEstoniaFinnlondFranceGeorgiaGreceHungariItailleLatviaLiþuaniaNeþerlondesNorweyNorþerne IrelondPortingalePolandeRusslondScotlondSerbiaSpayneSweþerlondTyrclondUkraineWales
Contrees in Asia