Wp/enm/Latyn langage

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Þe Latyn langage, oþer Leden langage, ys a longage o þe Indo-Evropeen gendre o langages, þe whilch wel neegh no mon meleþ todey, ac mony mon lerneþ for divers anchesouns. Hyt is þe tong þe þe Romisch folk spac ant bret wide yond þaire Romyssh Empyre. Ant siþþe was hit þe Chirches longage, ant þe comovn longage, over westerne Europe. Hyt was þe alre formest langage to writen on. Ant swo stod o þis wise mony hvndred yeere.

Ac o neewe deyes is Latyn a langage o lesse degree þon hit er was. Þogh þat hit yeet þe Catholik Chirches longage biþ, ant þe Uaticanes langage þerto, noþiles been Catholike seruises oft iheeld nou o what swo tvnge is þat londes folkes. Ac heeghe clerkes lernen Latyn o þis Chirche.

Latyn is wrþi to scoleres o þe sciense o biologie, for reson þat þai emploien þe same for þaire ordynance o speecies o lif to þaire kyndes, after þe wis Carolus Linnæuses reule. Elch speecies haveþ two nomes þe been his Genvs ant his species nome, þe whilche been his onlich. Ant þis ilke maneere o nomyng is ycleped þe Binomial system o Neewe Englisch. Swo bisne, þe greene tree frogge of Evrope, þat is a species o frogge, haueþ þe Latin nome Hyla arborea; þe Genus is icleped after Hylas, þat was Herkules isith ant hirdmon; ant þe speecies nome meneþ "tree" oþer "of trees" oþer oght. Ant þo heere degrees of ordenatioun been liche ynemned o Latyn wise.

Ant some persovnes hyt lernen for to brouken þe bet þe fele ant moni gode tales þe me wrot, ant rymes, o Latin.