
From Incubator Plus 2.0
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Diuers inſectys.

Ynſectys ben ſmale beaſtys of þe phylvm Arthropoda þe whilche habben alle ſex leggys (þo hi fulwaxen ben) and a bodi þet is idealyd a þre partys, þe ben þe heved, and þe thorace, and þe hinde bouk (þe hatte on þe Latyne tonge abdomen, ek on Neue Englyſſhe). On his hevde hauiþ an inſecte two eȝen and twoa limys moa, þe ben hiſe membris of felyng, antennae ihoten. Moaſte ynſectis habben ek twei pairys of wyngys, ak oan paire of þe ſame ben amoang manie gendres awenden for to ſerven ſum oþer meſter.

Þe claſſe Inſecta beloukiþ vntellendliche ſpecies of mani manere: ben, and waſpis, and amptes, and biteles, and buggys, and fleȝen, and buterfleȝen, naddre boltys, and earwyggys, and termytys, and flean, and lys, and þerto ſere oþre ben inſectis eurichoan.

Inſectes provyden hem to mete to divers kindes beaſtes ſwoa biſne froggis, and toadis, and fouȝlys, and ſnakys, and ſpiþrys, and þe mychele deal of þo mammalis of þe ordre Inſectivora, ſwoa biſne þe hyrchoun.