
From Incubator Plus 2.0

The box is formatted with the help of common and skin-specific stylesheets - allowing the template to be used both with and without additional formatting information. The box consists of three parts - left and right inserts as well as the main (text) cell; the cells are rendered if the relevant content parameters are provided.

  Description Left Inset Main Box Right Inset
Content Content wiki code lcontent= content= rcontent=
Background color lbg= mainbg= rbg=
Text Color color lcolor= color= rcolor=
Width with units lwidth= width=
(with insets)
Font Size with units lsize= size= rsize=
Italic parameters below default to sane values and should generally not be touched.

Sane defaults are provided for everything, only content has to be specified to display an infobox.

|bcolor= and |bwidth= specify the box border color and width respectively (both with units).